- Had payment withheld when providing sexual services, even if it’s a one off or while working for someone else
- Been pressured to perform sexual services by someone controlling your access to money (including access to your bank account or Universal Credit)
- Been asked to provide sexual services to pay back a debt
- Felt pressured by a partner to provide sexual services to others and not receiving any of the payment
- Been pressured to provide sexual services to pay for other people’s drug or alcohol use
- Been pressured to perform sexual services by someone controlling your access to substances
- Performed sexual services while underage
- Been given a place to stay in return for providing sexual services
- Been threatened with eviction if you don’t provide sexual services
- Been blackmailed with private photographs, or in other ways, to provide sexual services
- Felt afraid to refuse provision of sexual services because of threats of violence, sexual abuse or sexual violence
Being pressured to provide sexual services is exploitation
You should seek free, confidential and reliable help if you have:
Support available can include:
If you decide to reach out to a support service for free, confidential advice, there are other services available too. You can:
- Discuss problems with a caseworker
- Have a sexual health check-up
- Get help and support with attending appointments
- Develop new skills and confidence
- Work to address your problems
For information on how to keep safe when sex working, visit the MASH website:
- Safety on the street
- Domestic abuse
- Safety for escorts
- Exiting sex work
- Personal safety
- Safety at home
- Safety in saunas and private workplaces
- Ugly Mugs and Dodgy Punters
- Negotiating with a punter
Their website also has more general information and advice related to:
Manchester Action on Street Health (MASH)
We offer non-judgmental support to women who sex work on the street, in saunas and as escorts. Support is provided through an outreach van, outreach into saunas, a City Centre Drop-In and the website. MASH offers help to women sex working on the streets, sex working in saunas or massage parlours, sex working independently (as escorts) and doing webcam or phone sex work.
Further support
If you think you, or someone you know, is experiencing exploitation, call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
In an emergency, dial 999.