
Annual Impact Report 2021 - 2022

January 2021- August 2022

Welcome to The 2021/2022 STOP THE TRAFFIK GROUP IMPACT REPORT. This year we have run innovative prevention programmes in Ukraine, Türkiye, Greece, the Philippines and the United Kingdom. We have worked with data-sharing partners such as the Metropolitan Police, The Clewer Initiative and Azadi Kenya to create an even richer picture of the traffickers’ movements. Finally, we have worked closely with businesses and financial institutions, firmly believing that business-led coordinated action creates safer communities. This Impact Report aims to evidence that our work has caused real disruption to the traffickers’ global business model and show that we are helping to protect people around the world who are at risk.

  • 4
  • 22
  • 14
  • 11,000
    People Trained
  • 1,175,000
    Data Items
  • 5,645,284
    People Reached

Message from our CEO, Ruth Dearnley OBE

STOP THE TRAFFIK Group is building a movement of resistance.

I am proud to share the impact of our work over the past year and the extraordinary team that has delivered that work. We have seen significant growth in the size of our organisation, and the leadership and the quality of work delivered are driving our impact and influence.

STOP THE TRAFFIK Group holds itself accountable for evidence of signs of success in disrupting the traffickers’ network and operations. To be both effective and true to our mission, our success has to be measured by what we have stopped and what we have prevented from happening. It is our calling and our purpose.

As you read this report, you will see our intelligence-led approach in action, targeting key routes and hotspots of exploitation. We will share the impact of our partnerships with businesses, leading global influencers, law enforcement, government agencies, NGOs, faith networks, academia and financial institutions. Without these networks, our approach is meaningless. We will not stop trafficking alone; we will only be successful through true, meaningful collaboration. This report demonstrates our progress and the incredible work the STOP THE TRAFFIK Group team, partners, networks, and funders have achieved together worldwide. Although we are encouraged, there is much more work to do.

We have to pick up the pace. Next year, STOP THE TRAFFIK Group is commencing a 3-year plan (2023-2026) that will prioritise routes and hotspots, data-sharing and collaboration, and first and foremost, seek to scale survivor leadership and the centre of global strategy. Please support us and deliver an impact where the global leadership of critical actors can evidence our combined intelligence-led resistance, pushing back the relentless forward momentum of the traffickers.

Now is our time.

This Impact Report aims to evidence that our work has caused real disruption to the traffickers’ global business model and show that we are helping to protect people around the world who are at risk.

Who we are – Chapter one

Being intelligence-led means prioritising our programmes and interventions based on our data collection, considering prevalence and harm. We build our response on an analysis of the experience of those who have shared their story.

Intelligence-Led Prevention – Chapter two

Modern slavery and human trafficking is a crime hidden in plain sight, the true scale of which is unknown. Radical, scaled data sharing including survivor’s stories offer the best opportunity to tackle this global data gap, STOP THE TRAFFIK Group is doing just this by facilitating data sharing across all sectors.

Data Sharing – Chapter Three

Our Prevention Team runs geo-targeted campaigns on Meta and TikTok aimed at those vulnerable to trafficking. In 2022 we were able to reach 5, 517,389 with a CTR of over 15%.

Recruitment – Chapter Four

Our Intelligence Team works with our various partners in law enforcement, government, NGOs and financial services to identify patterns of behaviour that lead to the freezing of assets and bank accounts of the trafficker.

Money – Chapter Five

Our Consulting Team works with various corporate clients across our theory of change progressing clients from initial awareness to actionable change and ultimately encouraging systemic change.

Demand – Chapter Six

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