
Aman Safety Campaign Update – October 2020

What is Aman Safety? 

Launched in June, Aman Safety aims to raise awareness about human trafficking, ensuring vital information reaches Syrian asylum seekers and refugees as they flee conflict. Displaced people are a group at high-risk of exploitation – and we want to change that. 

Spanning three years, the campaign will generate geo-targeted Facebook ads designed to provide safety information for displaced people travelling through Turkey, Greece, and other countries identified as hotspots along the route to the Europe. Vitally, the campaign will also share contact details for organisations working on the ground that can offer help and support. 

The campaign so far 

Much of the work we’ve been doing so far has been foundational. Building meaningful partnerships takes time, and the team is working hard to locate and connect with several different organisations. 

“We’re finding that the more partnerships we’re building, the more challenges organisations on the ground are facing. The pressure of the ongoing situation…is being compounded by the threat of Covid.” 

Amy Cuff, Campaign Coordinator 

Misconceptions arise when people don’t have a clear understanding of why people are willing to place themselves in dangerous situations on their route to asylum. On the ground partnerships are a key way for us to ensure we’re consistently delivering up to date information on an ever-changing situation. 

Collecting data 

Intelligence gathering is paramount to any STOP THE TRAFFIK campaign, and Aman Safety is no different. To allow us to understand the bigger picture, the team continues to build detailed country profiles. Not only will this allow us to gain insight into the unique vulnerabilities faced by Syrian refugees regionally – it will help us shape a highly targeted approach for each phase of the campaign.  

Gathering intelligence is not a straightforward process, and an ongoing challenge for NGOs in the region is building trust with asylum seekers, who worry that oversharing could complicate their passage to safety. Aman Safety presents a unique opportunity to spread meaningful information that will mitigate risk of exploitation. Regardless as to legalities, nobody should be manipulated into abusive practices.  

Growing the team 

The Aman team continues to grow, with two new appointments that bring with them a wealth of experiences, including prior knowledge and lived experience. Using insight from those that have previously journeyed the route is essential, and helps us to better understand the motivations of asylum seekers and why they might take certain steps. The key to a successful campaign is understanding the audience. 

“Stories, no matter how big or small, are shaping the future of this campaign. Understanding how people are being approached and recruited into exploitation and what control methods are being used against them is key. These stories are helping to build a picture of what is going on. Understanding their experiences and the risks people face enable us to deliver the correct message and information to the audience we aim to reach, as they make the dangerous journey from conflict to safety.”  

Amy Cuff, Campaign Coordinator

Next steps 

The Aman Safety team is still in the process of laying the foundations in Greece and Turkey. Are you an organisation based on the ground that would be interested in informing our research? Your insights can help shape our campaign messages, ensuring they’re as targeted and effective as they can be. We’d love to hear from you.

Contact [email protected] for more information.  

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