Exploitation Analytics

Our intelligence specialists assess and corroborate intelligence from multiple sources and channels to produce actionable intelligence to degrade trafficking routes and hotspots.

Our Intelligence Services

STOP THE TRAFFIK Group receives intelligence from various sources across multiple channels, which our team of investigators analyse and corroborate to produce actionable and streamlined intelligence reports.

We share our intelligence with our ever-growing, global intelligence community of NGOs, law enforcement agencies, financial institutions and businesses to inspire safeguarding interventions to protect those at risk.

We put at risk people at the heart of our intelligence operation so that illicit actors can be identified and stopped.

Exploitation Analytics

We believe financial institutions and businesses can disrupt trafficking markets by accessing relevant, strategic intelligence.

Exploitation Analytics is a consolidation of STOP THE TRAFFIK Group’s various data and intelligence products packaged into one integrated offering for commercial organisations who face potential exposure to Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking.

These intelligence products equip commercial organisations with the tools they need to identify customers and transactions across their operations that are potentially linked to exploitation.

The subsequent investigations inspire safeguarding interventions and more comprehensive appropriate action with justice processes and business environments.

Exploitation Analytics comprises:

  • Key Judgement Reports
  • ExploitX
  • Tactical Reporting
  • Traffik Analysis Hub Access
  • Bi-monthly Intelligence Community Calls
  • Intelligence taskings

Exploitation Analytics can help enhance and strengthen your organisation’s response to human trafficking, creating a real-world impact while ensuring that exploitation is denied access to your organisation.

For more information on STOP THE TRAFFIK Group’s Exploitation Analytics offering, and we can help your organisation minimise its exposure to human trafficking, read our pamphlet here.

To get in touch, please contact: [email protected]

STOP THE TRAFFIK Group receives intelligence from a variety of different sources across multiple channels, such as:

  • Traffik Analysis Hub
  • The STOP APP
  • Our Intelligence Community of more than 200+ anti-trafficking stakeholders
  • STOP THE TRAFFIK Group Prevention Campaigns
  • STOP THE TRAFFIK Group Business Consultancy Clients

In our context, intelligence is the combination of information from various sources that offer an analysis sufficient to guide activity or inspire action, either by ourselves or an appropriate party, to reduce vulnerability to traffickers or deliver safeguarding opportunities to those vulnerable people.

Intelligence is processed information (often from multiple sources).

Intelligence reporting: Intelligence reporting uses credible information and analysis to draw conclusions that could reduce trafficking vulnerability and protect at-risk people.

Intelligence-led refers to the opportunity to report findings, investigate, conduct an intervention (to safeguard), or review policy and practice. We advise businesses and partners on where to look for traffickers and what action to take.

Key Judgement Reports are high-level strategic assessments on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking produced by STOP THE TRAFFIK Group’s team of highly experienced former law enforcement and intelligence specialists.

These publications outline key indicators of trafficking and exploitation relating to a specific route, hotspot or exploitation type that our investigators have encountered, examined and corroborated throughout their investigations.

We structure our Key Judgement Reports based on the three pillars upon which traffickers depend to sustain their business model: recruitment, demand, and money.

We do this to ensure we offer an analysis sufficient to guide activity or inspire action, either by ourselves or an appropriate party, to reduce vulnerability to traffickers or deliver safeguarding opportunities to those vulnerable people.

Read our most recent Key Judgement Reports here.

STOP THE TRAFFIK Group’s ExploitX series looks at risk-scoring information collected and analysed from Adult Service Websites (ASWs) to identify those potentially in commercial sexual exploitation.

Where appropriate, STOP THE TRAFFIK Group can provide Personally Identifiable Information (PII)* (i.e. mobile phone number or email address) and contextual material relating to suspicious individuals.

This PII enables our clients to compare with transaction data/ customer data to identify potential bad actors or at-risk customers operating across their systems.

*STOP THE TRAFFIK Group adheres to GDPR and PII legislation requirements.

To join our ever-growing intelligence community and help disrupt human trafficking across the globe, please get in touch with [email protected].

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