Awareness Courses

Sense it. Spot it. Respond to it.

What do we offer?


  • Raise awareness and educate through our bespoke delivery
  • Enable participants to spot the signs of modern slavery
  • Equip participants to respond

Our courses and resources are designed for diverse audiences; frontline professionals, health and law enforcement, business, government, the justice system, young people and education professionals.

Each course is unique and is developed through consultation with every organisation, in order to ensure we meet their needs.

STOP THE TRAFFIK believes ‘you can’t stop what you can’t see’.

Therefore, central to our learning is the ability to recognise what modern slavery looks like and how to respond.

Types of awareness raising courses

We offer awareness courses and resources for: 

Interested in our training?

If you would like to book a course/session or require any further information, please get in touch.

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An awareness resource developed for frontline staff to spot the signs of human trafficking and modern slavery. Brought to you in partnership with the UK Home Office.

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