
On EU Anti-Trafficking Day: Launch of joint report with Fenix Aid

Today, and in recognition of the EU Anti-Trafficking Day (October 18), STOP THE TRAFFIK Group, in collaboration with Fenix Aid, launches a report titled “Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking of Forcibly Displaced Persons in Greece and Türkiye”.

You can find the report here. 

The report sheds light on the legal framework for survivors of modern slavery and human trafficking and the obstacles they face in accessing protection in Greece and Türkiye, with a particular focus on survivors who are asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection.

The report outlines several key protection obstacles:

  • Border Tensions: The strained relationship between Greece and Türkiye has hindered cooperation in preventing, identifying, and disrupting human trafficking, leaving survivors vulnerable.
  • Response Challenges: Both countries struggle to address the growing number of individuals seeking protection. This includes challenges related to providing accommodation, access to public services, financial support, and legal status.
  • Legal Framework Limitations: Despite some improvements, existing legal frameworks and mechanisms still fall short in adequately protecting survivors.

Consequently, the report provides a set of recommendations to stakeholders, aiming to enhance survivors’ access to their rights, in the view of the two signatory organisations.

On this awareness day, it is crucial to highlight the importance of efforts, including early identification, the training of officials who interact directly with survivors or individuals at risk, and ensuring that these individuals have access to their rights. This encompasses essential elements like adequate medical care, housing, and inclusion measures, all of which are vital in securing the protection of modern slavery and human trafficking survivors.

To read the full report, click here.

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